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U.S. Taxes

DISCLAIMER:  International Student & Scholar Services (ISSS) is neither licensed nor qualified to provide tax advice and will not do so.  The information provided is intended for your benefit. Any questions or concerns should be directed to TerpTax, a certified tax preparer or a local IRS field office.

Updated 1/13/2025

TerpTax Alert: Unexpected $1,400 IRS Payments, Some in Error to F-1 Students

Who must file taxes?

How do I prepare my taxes?

The deadline for filing 2024 Federal Tax Returns is             
Tuesday, April 15, 2025.


StateIncome Tax Filing Deadline
MarylandApril 15, 2025
VirginiaMay 1, 2025
 Washington, DC  April 15, 2025


FAQ'S for Non-Residents for Tax Purposes

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►  I didn't earn any income.  Do I still need to file?

Yes, ALL of the following individuals who were in the U.S. for any period of time during the calendar year must file federal tax filing obligations the following year:

  • international students
  • international scholars
  • dependents of international students and scholars

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►  How can I get a copy of my W-2?

Information on how to obtain a copy of your W-2 can be found on the Comptroller of Maryland website.  

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►  What is the deadline for filing my 2024 Federal tax forms?

The deadline for filing your 2024 Federal Tax Return is Tuesday, April 15, 2025.  Your envelope must be postmarked by 11:59pm on that day.

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►  What assistance does the University provide?

  • TerpTax housed in the Robert H. Smith School of Business, is a Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) chapter, a program created by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to provide FREE tax return preparation to low-to-mid-income individuals and families, the elderly, students, and persons with disabilities.  Visit TerpTax to find information on what to do to prepare for your appointment and to schedule an appointment with a TerpTax representative. They will be taking appointments from February through April. 

     Glacier Tax
  • GLACIER Tax Prep can be used free of charge by F-1/F-2 and J-1/J-2 status holders to prepare their U.S. Federal income tax return.  

     To access GLACIER Tax Prep:
    1. Log into your iTerp account at
    2. Click Tax Service > Glacier Tax Preparation
    3. Read over the list of documentation needed.  Click Access Glacier Tax Prep.  You will be redirected to Glacier's website to login with your existing Glacier account or create a new one.  
  • Glacier Tax Prep offers weekly LIVE General Nonresident Alien Tax Sessions with a Tax Professional through June 13.  There will be a presentation followed by a questions/answer  (Q&A) session .  The GTP Q&A sessions allow the foreign national to ask a question to a Tax Professional and then leave, if desired– it is not necessary to stay the entire hour, but it is possible to stay the entire time and hear others’ questions.   To view the schedule and/or participate in either the LIVE General Nonresident Alien Tax Session and/or the LIVE GTP Q&A sessions,
    1. Log in to your GTP account via iTerp (see the steps above)
    2. From the menu, select “LIVE General Nonresident Alien Tax Information and GTP Q&A Sessions”; and
    3. Click on the zoom link and enter the Passcode. 


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►  What forms do I need to file my Federal tax return?

  • If you were working (ex: graduate assistantship, hourly on-campus position) in 2024:
    • You will be sent a W-2 statement (January 31)
  • If you received a scholarship/fellowship OR you are claiming a tax exemption due to a TAX TREATY in 2024
    • You will be sent a 1042S form (March 15)

If you need to request a Duplicate W-2 or 1042-S, go to Central Payroll Bureau's Payroll Services for State Agencies website and follow instructions.

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►  How do I start filing my taxes?

  • Federal - First complete your federal tax return. Information from this form is required to complete your State tax return. Login to Glacier Tax Prep (following the instructions above) to complete your Federal tax return.
  • Form 8843 Required - This form is generated by Glacier Tax Prep.
  • State - For assistance with the State tax return, you can get assistance from:
    • TAP - For graduate students only
    • MSLC VITA at R. H. Smith Business School

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►  Am I Resident or Non-Resident Alien for Tax Purposes?

Login in to Glacier Tax Prep (following the instructions above) to determine your tax status.  If you are a Nonresident Alien for Tax Purposes (NRA), you should use Glacier Tax Prep to complete your Federal tax return. Only NRAs can use Glacier Tax Prep.  We recommend that NRAs do not use other commercially available tax preparation software products, like TurboTax, that do not perform the NRA calculation.

If you are a Resident Alien for Tax Purposes, you can use TAP or MSLC VITA resources to help you with completing your tax return.

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►  Can I file my Federal tax return electronically?

No, you must print, sign and postmark you tax return no later than 11:59 pm on April 15, 2025. The address to file your tax return if no payment is required:

Department of Treasury             
Internal Revenue Service Center             
Austin, TX 73301-0215, U.S.A.

Remember to keep photocopies of all documents you send to the IRS.

If you need to submit a payment with your tax return, see page 3 "Where to File" - Instructions for Form 1040 NR-EZ.

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►  How can I file for an extension?

This video will walk you through the process of filing an income tax extension.  

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International Student & Scholar Services provides this tax resource information to UM students and scholars for informational and educational purposes and not as a substitute for advice obtained from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) or a qualified tax professional. Students and scholars who have questions about their income tax situation should consult a qualified tax professional. Each person is responsible for the accuracy of his/her income tax returns and any resulting penalties or interest

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