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Immunization and Health Insurance

In order to keep our community healthy all students are required by the University Health Center to submit  an Immunization Form prior to arrival.   

Students must:

  1. Complete the Immunization form
  2. Complete the online Tuberculosis Risk Screening by going to or fill in Section D of the University of Maryland Immunization Record Form. If any response is "YES", the student is required to have a Quantiferon Gold or T-Spot test.  This test MUST be performed in the United States within the past 12 months. We will not accept any TB blood tests from other countries. 

  3. Bring a copy of their lab report for the Quantiferon Gold test with them to campus or the test will need to be done at the University Health Center, by appointment. This test must be performed in the United States.
  4. If you are asked to provide proof of a chest x-ray it must be done in the U.S. within the past 12 months.

Forms should be submitted to the Health Center through their online portal

Health Center staff will contact students by sending a message through the patient portal, found at,  if they are required to set up an appointment to complete any missing immunization requirements. 

Students who receive a message from Health Center staff stating that an appointment is required should follow up by making an appointment. Do not make an appointment unless you have received an email from the Health Center staff stating that you need one.

You should bring any proof of immunizations with you.  

Questions about any immunization requirements should be addressed to the Health Center Immunization Office. The Health Center cannot accept any documents that are sent to the Health Center via email. 

All undergraduates registered for 6 credits or more are automatically enrolled in UMD's Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP).  Undergraduate students who already have a US health insurance policy may apply for a waiver by following steps outlined in the Health Center website. 

All Graduate students enrolled full-time in a master’s or doctoral program at the University of Maryland, College Park campus must have health insurance coverage. Graduate students are automatically enrolled in the SHIP insurance plan. For more information on your options see the Graduate School’s web page.

For more information on the Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) visit the Health Center's website.

As an Exchange Visitor in the United States, you have additional requirements based on your J1 status. You are required to carry health insurance for yourself and your J-2 dependents for the full duration of your J program. Government regulations stipulate that if you willfully fail to carry health insurance for yourself and your dependents, your J-1 sponsor must terminate your program, and report the termination to the United States Department of State (DOS) in Washington. All J1& J2 Exchange Visitors (except Non-Degree Exchange Students) should upload proof of insurance coverage into the iTerp system upon arrival to UMD and maintain coverage throughout your stay at University of Maryland.

 Required Insurance Specifications 

While you hold J-1 or J-2 status, you are required to carry the following type and amounts of coverage: 

  • $100,000 (minimum) for each accident or illness.
  • $50,000 (minimum) for the expenses of your travel, if a doctor advises you to be sent home because of a serious illness or injury.
  • $25,000 (minimum) in benefits to send your remains to your home country for burial, if you should die in the United States.
  • $500 (maximum) deductible per accident or illness.
  • Waiting period for pre-existing conditions must be reasonable by current standards in the insurance industry.
  • The policy must be backed by the full faith and credit of your home country government or the company providing the insurance must meet minimum rating requirements established by USIA (an A. M. Best rating of "A-" or above, an Insurance Solvency International, Ltd. (ISI) rating of "A-i" or above, a Standard & Poor's Claims-paying Ability rating of "A-" or above, or a Weiss Research, Inc. rating of B+ or above).

J-1 Scholars Only

Insurance Options

The University of Maryland requires all J-1 scholars to purchase the University of Maryland’s health insurance to ensure that all J-1 exchange visitors will have sufficient coverage. 

  • If you are paid by UMD, you may be eligible to enroll in the UMD Benefits Plan. Please check with your department contact for benefits eligibility. The UMD Benefits Plan will not cover medical evacuation and repatriation, so you will need to enroll in this plan separately at the University Health Center.  
  • If you are non-paid, or otherwise ineligible for UMD Benefits, you will be required to enroll in the Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) through the University Health Center. This insurance plan will cover your health insurance and the required medical evacuation and repatriation insurance. To enroll in this insurance, you will need a letter from ISSS confirming the dates of your J-1 program. This letter will be provided to you. 

*If you are not sure if you are paid or unpaid, please contact your department for confirmation*

  • If you have dependents and they will arrive in the US after you, please contact ISSS for more information about your dependents’ enrollment.

Paid by University of Maryland (Check with Department for eligibility)

Not Paid by the University of Maryland

Maryland Benefits Plan

UMD Student Health Insurance

This insurance meets all of the requirements and specifications.

All insurance plans offered meet health insurance requirements.

To enroll in medical evacuation and repatriation coverage, you may purchase a supplemental policy through the university health center.

As a J-1 scholar you are eligible to purchase UMD student health insurance

This can be done at the health center with a letter from ISSS.

Contact your department or view the University Human Resources benefit information.

To enroll, visit the University Health Center in person or visit the University Health Center website for more information.

Additional Health Insurance information

The University Health Center provides high-quality, cost-effective health care and wellness programs in order to promote the health of the University community and support academic success.

  1. Obtain a health insurance letter from ISSS. Please contact our Faculty and Scholar Team if you do not already have this letter. 
  2. Go to this website: 
  3. Scroll to the middle of the page and select “Click Here to Enroll” under the Research Scholars headline 
  4. Sign into an existing account or create a new account. 
  5. Follow the instructions to enroll. You will need to upload your ISSS insurance letter. Note that your dependents must be enrolled at the same time as you. 
  6. Save a PDF of your enrollment proof and upload it to iTerp by submitting the “J-1 Health Insurance Confirmation” e-form.

*Please note that this medical evacuation + repatriation plan is for paid scholars who are also enrolled in UMD Employee Benefits*

  1. Go to this website:
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select “Voluntary Enrollment for Eligible Student and Scholar Groups”. Click the Academic Emergency Services (AES) tab and select "Click here to enroll".
  3. Sign into an existing account or create a new account.
  4. Follow the instructions to enroll. Your dependents should be enrolled at the same time as you.
  5. Save a PDF of your enrollment proof and upload it to iTerp by submitting the “J-1 Health Insurance Confirmation” e-form. You will also be asked to upload proof of enrollment in UMD Benefits, which can be found on the Workday website.

What is the law?

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, commonly called the Affordable Care Act (ACA), was signed into law by President Obama in 2010. The intention of the law is to improve the quality and affordability of health insurance and to lower the rate of uninsured individuals present in the United States.

What is the Individual Mandate?

Beginning January 1, 2014, individuals who do not maintain “minimum essential healthcare coverage” must make an additional payment to the IRS when they pay their taxes. This is often called the “individual mandate.”

Are F-1 and J-1 status individuals and their dependents subject to the law?

J-1 visa holders and their dependents are required by regulation and the State Department to maintain health insurance for the duration of their stay. The minimum J-1 visa health insurance requirements include:

  • Medical benefits of at least $50,000 per accident or illness;
  • Repatriation of remains in the amount of $7,500;
  • Medical evacuation to the student’s home country in the amount of $10,000;
  • A deductible not to exceed $500 per accident or illness.

Although there are no specific insurance requirements for F-1 students and their dependents, many schools require F-1 students to carry health insurance as a matter of policy. The University of Maryland requires all undergraduate students to carry health insurance, including J-1 and F-1 visa students. 

Are F-1 and J-1 status individuals subject to the individual mandate?

For lawfully-present aliens such as F-1 or J-1 visa holders and their dependents, it is the alien's tax status that determines whether he or she is subject to the individual mandate. If you will be filing your taxes as a non-resident alien for tax purposes (NRA), then you are considered exempt from the ACA’s individual mandate. For more information and to determine your alien tax status please visit the IRS page on Determining an Individual’s Tax Residency Status.

Keep in mind, despite their tax status, J-1 visa holders must carry health insurance with the minimum requirements set forth above.

Does the UMD student health insurance plan meet the requirements of the ACA?

Yes, the UMD student health plan complies with the ACA and meets the definition of “minimum essential health coverage.” Starting in 2014, some changes to student health plans will be rolled out in accordance with the ACA.

How do I know if my policy meets the requirements of the ACA?

Ask your health insurance company for documentation that it does, or check to see if the policy expressly states that it meets the requirements of the ACA.

What is the health insurance marketplace? Can I use the health insurance marketplace to find coverage?

Health insurance marketplaces are organizations that facilitate the purchase of health insurance. The marketplace allows individuals who are lawfully present in the United States to shop for insurance plans and apply for health insurance policies. To view the federal health insurance marketplace, visit To view the Maryland State health insurance marketplace, visit

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