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iTerp I-20 Checklist Stages

Pre-Arrival Checklist

  • Communication: Apply for your I-20-DS-2019:  The student has been emailed that if they wish to attend UMD on F-1 or J-1 status they need to complete the linked iTerp forms. This email is sent weekly until the student opts out or completes the I-20/DS-2019 application forms on iTerp.
  • Review/Admit: The student has submitted all required iTerp forms. Their forms are under review with ISSS. This process can take up to 2 weeks.
  • Missing/Incorrect Finances: The student has submitted either insufficient or unacceptable proof of finances. ISSS has contacted the student and will continue to contact them weekly until they resubmit a proof of finances via iTerp.
  • Missing/Incorrect Immigration docs: The student has submitted either insufficient or unacceptable immigration documentation. ISSS has contacted the student and will continue to contact them weekly until they resubmit their immigration documentation via iTerp.
  • Transfer Waiting on Release: ISSS is waiting on the student’s previous institution to release their I-20 to UMD. ISSS has contacted the student’s home institution to request the SEVIS transfer. 
  • Review/Admit: Resubmitted Docs: The student has previously submitted incorrect finances or immigration paperwork and has resubmitted this information on iTerp. The student is now being reviewed a second time.
  • Complete: The student's documentation has been issued and emailed. Students can print it out, sign, and use it for a visa appointment and to travel to the US.
  • Program Level Change- Complete: The student's documentation has been updated to reflect new admission information and emailed. Students can print it out, sign, and use it for a visa appointment and to travel to the US.
  • Holding Stage: The student's immigration case is unique and is currently being worked on with the ISSS team. 
  • Sponsored Student- DS2019 needed: The student is coded as Fulbright but has not submitted the Attendance Plans form to confirm. 
  • Fulbright- Attendance Plans Eform Submitted: The student is coded as Fulbright and has submitted the Attendance Plans form to confirm. Waiting for DS-2019 issued by Fulbright to be submitted. 
  • Student Plans to Defer: The student has informed ISSS they plan to defer to a later semester.
  • I-20 Needs Cancellation: The student has informed ISSS they plan not attend UMD after receiving an I-20. I-20 will be canceled before the start date of the semester. 

Docs Check Stage List

  • Needs immigration Videos: The student has not completed the required ISSS Immigration Video Series. ISSS has contacted the student and will continue to contact them every 2 days until they complete the video series.
  • No SEVIS ID: The student has successfully completed the documents check but the I-20/DS-2019 has not been issued yet. 
  • Needs Documents Check: The student has completed the ISSS Immigration Video Series. The student needs to complete ISSS Documents Check after they arrive in the US.
  • Needs Visa: The student has submitted their immigration documents for activation but has submitted an unacceptable copy of visa. 
  • Needs I-94: The student has submitted their immigration documents for activation but has submitted an unacceptable copy of I-94
  • Needs Address: The student has submitted their immigration documents for activation but has not submitted a local US address. 
  • Needs Course Registration: The student has submitted their immigration documents for activation but has not registered for classes yet.
  • Documents Check Submitted: The student has submitted their immigration documents activation and is under review with ISSS. 
  • Documents Check Complete: The student has successfully entered the US and has had their I-20/DS-2019 activated by ISSS.
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