Marketing functions from the global executive's viewpoint, including coverage of global marketing policies relating to product adaptation, data collection and analysis, channels of distribution, pricing, communications and cost analysis. Consideration is given to the cultural, legal, financial and organizational aspects of global marketing.
Terms Offered
Spring 2025
Course Details
How do you market your product in countries other than your domestic market? Designing and selling products in other countries requires an understanding of the global cultural, economic, political and legal environment. In the first 8-10 weeks, you will be working on the COIL, which is a joint project with students at the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands. You will be divided into teams of six people, 3 from here and 3 from Utrecht. You will be developing an export plan for an American company to introduce a product to the Netherlands market. The Utrecht students will be developing an export plan to introduce a product to the U.S. market. You will comment on each other’s plans and help each other understand your domestic market better.
In the rest of the course, we will be talking more broadly about marketing in other countries. This involves decisions made on the four P’s (product, price, promotion, place). We will examine the marketing issues and opportunities facing companies that do business outside their domestic markets.
Learning Outcomes
1) To be able to work better with people from different cultures in international marketing contexts.
2) To sensitize students to economic, political, cultural and legal differences among nations as they affect marketing opportunities and operations.
3) To enhance students' understanding of the international marketing management process, especially as it relates to the strategy and implementation of the four P's.
4) To develop a marketing plan to export a product to another country.
Number of credits: 3
How You Will Learn and Work
This is a Global Classrooms Signature Course.
Cultural Connection
General Education Credits
Robert H. Smith School of Business
Prerequisites & Restrictions
BMGT 350
Faculty Highlight

Amna Kirmani
Dr. Kirmani is the Dean’s Chair of Marketing and the Ralph J. Tyser Professor of Marketing at the Robert H. Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland. She received a PhD in Marketing from the Graduate School of Business at Stanford University and an MBA from Cornell University. She has taught at Duke University, the University of Florida, and Southern Methodist University. Her current research interests include marketplace morality, persuasion knowledge, and branding. Her work has been published in several journals, including the Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Marketing, and Journal of Consumer Psychology. Her papers have won the Paul Green Award in the Journal of Marketing Research, the Maynard Award in the Journal of Marketing, and the Best Paper Award in the Journal of Advertising. She was also designated a Fellow of the Society of Consumer Psychology, a lifetime award. She has served as President of the Association for Consumer Research, Director of Smith Doctoral Programs, Co-editor of the Journal of Consumer Research, and Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Consumer Psychology.
Tuition & Scholarship
Course costs should be calculated based on the university’s standard tuition and fees for undergraduate students and graduate students.
Students enrolled in winter and summer Global Classrooms courses may be eligible for the International Education Scholarship.
Cancellation and Refunds
Global Classrooms courses follow UMD's Schedule Adjustment policies.
Questions & Contact Info
For more course information contact Amna Kirmani at
For general questions, please contact the Global Classrooms team at