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Capstone in International Development

This course will help prepare students for the rigorous research, analysis, entrepreneurship, and innovation required in international development and conflict management professions. 

Terms Offered

Spring 2021

Spring 2022

Fall 2022

Spring 2023

Course Details

This course will help prepare students for the rigorous research, analysis, entrepreneurship, and innovation required in international development and conflict management professions. Learning of practical, applicable, translatable knowledge and skills will be accomplished through an intensive problem-based and design-oriented experience. 

Number of credits: 3

How You Will Learn and Work

This is a Global Classrooms Connections Course. Spending the bulk of classroom hours “workshopping” in their project teams, students will conceive, develop, and articulate novel, viable solutions to key contemporary problems in international development and conflict management.  A list of real, concrete problems will be seeded by a network of contacts in governmental and intergovernmental agencies, non-governmental organizations, think tanks, and companies operating in these sectors. The key deliverable of each project team will be a professional brief that the students will present in a final symposium before an audience of development and conflict management policy makers and practitioners, including those who have seeded the problems.  One or more discussants with relevant expertise will provide formal comments about the project presentations. By the end of the course, the students will have developed both hard skills and issue expertise. This is a partially flipped course, meaning that most content is delivered via readings, videos, online lectures, and other out-of-class assignments. Class time will function as a research and ideation “lab” where students spend most classroom time in lively discussion or in project teams or other small groups, practicing the hands-on skills.  Activities will include structured “ideation fish-bowls” and unstructured brainstorming.

Cultural Connection


General Education Credits

Distributive Studies-Scholarship in Practice

Diversity-Cultural Competency


College of Behavioral and Social Sciences

Prerequisites & Restrictions

GVPT354 is a prerequisite. 

Students not in the Minor in International Development and Conflict Management will need to request special permission from the instructor to enroll.

Faculty Highlight

Stacy J. Kosko

Tuition & Scholarship

Course costs should be calculated based on the university’s standard tuition and fees for undergraduate students and graduate students.

Students enrolled in winter and summer Global Classrooms courses may be eligible for the International Education Scholarship.

Cancellation and Refunds

Global Classrooms courses follow UMD's Schedule Adjustment policies. 

Questions & Contact Info

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