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Meet with an Advisor

Our team is here to help you through every step of the study abroad process. From pre-departure to your return to UMD, we can assure you that you're in the care of dependable professionals.

Getting started:

Globe icon on a blue background

Get the guidance you need to explore different program options, finances, and other resources to kickstart your international journey.

Attend Study Abroad 101
Alyssa Taylor sits on a beach a sunset

Want to hear from a real student about what it's like to study abroad? Meet with one of our Peer Mentors today for how to get started, application advice and more.

Meet with a Peer Mentor

Connect with an Advisor

I need help...

I want to apply to a Maryland-in program.

Applicants for each program benefit from the dedicated support of a program advisor. Select your program below.

I need help selecting a program or have chosen a program that is not Maryland-in.

Meet with the Global Learning Advisor for your primary major's school or college! Select your school or college to jump to the correct advisor. 

Our Advising Team

D'Kiya Bynum (she, her, hers)

D'Kiya Bynum

Contact D'Kiya

D'Kiya advises students with majors in the:

  • College of Arts & Humanities
  • College of Information 

D'kiya is the program advisor for:

  • Arts & Humanities-in-London
  • Maryland-in-Nice
  • Maryland-in-Sevilla

Make an appointment


Emily Rose Garcia (she, her, hers)

Emily Rose Garcia

Contact Emily

Emily advises students with majors in the:

  • College of Computer, Mathematical, & Natural Sciences
  • School of Architecture, Planning, & Preservation

Emily is the program advisor for:

  • Maryland-in-Copenhagen
  • Maryland-in-Stockholm
  • Maryland-in-Florence (ARCH & PHYS)

Make an appointment


Joy Gursky (she, her, hers)

Joy Gursky

Contact Joy

Joy advises students with majors in the:

  • College of Agriculture & Natural Resources
  • College of Education
  • Philip Merrill College of Journalism
  • School of Public Health

Joy is the program advisor for:

Make an appointment


Alex Breitling (he, him, his)

Alex Breitling

Contact Alex

Alex advises students with majors in the:

  • Robert H. Smith School of Business

Alex is the program advisor for:

  • Maryland-in-Barcelona

Make an appointment (BMGT majors) 

Make an appointment (BMGT majors) 

Julia Xia (she, her, hers)

Julia Xia

Contact Julia

Julia advises students with majors in the:

  • College of Behavioral & Social Sciences
  • School of Public Policy
  • Undergraduate Studies Programs (HONR, CPSP, IAP, AAP)
  • Letters and Sciences
  • Individual Studies Program (IVSP)

Julia is the program advisor for:

Make an appointment


Office of Global Engineering Leadership

Katherine Schwarzentraub (she, her, hers)

Katherine Schwarzentraub

Katherine advises students with majors in the:

  • A. James Clark College of Engineering

Katherine is the program advisor for:

  • Clark-in-Prague
  • All ENGR Exchanges except those located in Madrid
  • ENGR Direct Enroll
  • ENGR winter, spring break and summer programs

Julia Blatchford (she, her, hers)

Julia Blatchford

Julia advises students with majors in the:

  • A. James Clark College of Engineering

Julia is the program advisor for:

  • Clark-in-Madrid
  • ENGR Exchanges located in Madrid

Center for Global Business

Turtle icon

The Center for Global Business advises all students interested in the following programs:

  • BMGT Exchanges
  • BMGT Summer, Winter & Spring Break

Get in touch

Peer Walk-in Hours

Join our peer mentors for advising and to hear about their experiences abroad! The Education Abroad office is located in H.J. Patterson Hall, room 1118.

Special walk-in hours for students applying for Winter, Spring, and Spring Break 2025:

Wednesday, September 18: 2-3:30pm

Thursday, September 19: 12-2pm

Friday, September 20: 2-4pm

Regular Peer Mentor Fall 2024 hours forthcoming.


Meet Our Student Staff

If you still have questions or can't make a Study Abroad 101, reach out to a peer mentor to learn how to get started with study abroad and hear about their experiences via email to

Jack takes a photo in a mirrorJack Burke

Jack is a sophomore computer science and linguistics double major here at UMD. He went abroad in Winter 2024 to Tokyo, Japan and Seoul, South Korea with his honors program QUEST to study the differences in product innovation and general business between the US and Asia. Interacting with both the culture and business in both of these countries was an empowering and motivating experience for him, directing his attention to the power of study abroad. Now working in the EA office, Jack is thrilled to be able to share his experiences with other people looking to study abroad, especially other STEM students. In the future, Jack plans to study abroad again for a full semester in Korea to further his language study and immersion. 


Elle KaminskiStudent Assistant Elle is on a rooftop overlooking the beach in France

Elle is a Student Assistant for the UMD Education Abroad office. She is a senior pursuing a double major in French and Linguistics. She participated in the Maryland-led Short-Term program in Montpellier, France in May 2022 and most recently completed the Maryland-in-Nice program for the Spring 2024 semester in Nice, France. Elle loves to travel and learn about different cultures and languages. She hopes to continue to study the brain’s processes concerning acquisition of language after graduating and eventually pursue a career in the realm of international education. In her free time she loves to cook and bake, hike, run and read!


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