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Maryland Global News

  • Liam Mercer's term at Manchester Business School

    "When you arrive, put yourself in situations where it will be easy to meet people. I was lucky to end up living in a hall that has specific meal times, so I was able to meet people there. If you live in a flat or apartment, go to club meetings or events with other exchange students."

  • Ricky Bailey's semester at sea

    "As I traveled the world, I began to realize how overwhelmingly little I actually knew about the rest of the world and all of this incoming information was helping to provide me with added perspective and has thusly made me more well-rounded."

  • Mitch Cooney on Business Exchange in the UK

    "Go somewhere. Go anywhere. I am a firm believer that people should take any chance to stretch their mind and expand their worldview during our college careers and our lives in general . When I went to study abroad in a foreign country, I quickly shifted out of my comfortable life in College Park, for the first time, and took on the role of an active visitor, learner, and traveler."

  • Alexis Foley on UMD-Winter: Ghana (CHSE)

    "From our visits to four institutions in Ghana as well as working alongside our partners at the University of Cape Coast, I learned what it means to mold systems that are unique to any given cultural context. I learned that it is important to have multiple perspectives and be able to see through different lenses in order to truly be a global practitioner."

  • Samantha Enokian Studies Russian in Kazakhstan

    "I think [studying] abroad gives you the opportunity to experience your own identities in different ways, which can be both a good thing and also very challenging. You take your identities with you, but now the cultural context is different."

  • Sade Ayinde Teaching English in Thailand

    "It is financially feasible, sometimes the same cost or cheaper than what it would be at home. It's NOT limited to people of a certain income, background, or academic majors."

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