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Maryland Global News

  • Jazlyn Olivera's exchange semester at Keio University

    Leaving the US to go study abroad in Japan was exhilarating because it was the first time I was alone and without any relatives nearby.

  • Shiri Huber's Spring Term at University of Edinburgh

    "Getting to know people with a completely different worldview is not only fascinating, but also curiosity inducing. I did a group project with students from Norway, Mexico, and Scotland, heard the Scottish perspective on Brexit, and debated politics with my French roommate."

  • Margaret Crosson on Exchange in Australia

    "Studying abroad sounds daunting in many ways, but it does not have to be. Many people are deterred by the myth that studying and living abroad is expensive. This is a myth-- studying abroad can be just as expensive as tuition, and even less! With a multitude of programs and countries, this experience is accessible to all."

  • Ivy Li's summer internship in New Zealand

    "By being on my own in a new country, my communication skills, adaptability, and time management grew exponentially. Similarly, by being able to work at a comprehensive internship, I honed my hard skills in various computer programs."

  • Juliana Macrini's Semester in Sydney, Australia

    "The programming setup before the beginning of classes forced me to meet others and to trust myself. This made me more confident and allowed me to experience things I never would have otherwise. For example, I completed a surf camp, I tried skydiving, scuba diving at the Great Barrier Reef, and also explored both Thailand and New Zealand."

  • John Meyers on UMD-Summer: Czech Republic​ (ENCE)

    "During this process, I learned that I could not simply apply the thought process about how to solve public problems with my American perspective. I needed to learn the needs and wants of Czech citizens, and how they would approach a similar problem."

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University News

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