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Maryland Global News

  • Serena Saunders on United Kingdom Spring Break Program

    "As a Public Policy major, I would say that thinking about the history, culture, etc. of your study abroad location in real-time gives you much more perspective on the policies of today. Being able to interact with locals and gather their opinions on policies that might be unrecognizable or complicated to us as foreigners was really enlightening for me."

  • Rachel Harvey's semester with Clark-in-Madrid

    "I learned that I'm more confident and independent than I knew - even in a foreign language. My interpersonal and Spanish skills improved so much in my time in Madrid, and I met some incredible professors and peers from Italy, Brazil, Croatia, France, and even Korea."

  • Bridget Woolery's Semester in Costa Rica

    "One of the best examples of becoming comfortable with unfamiliarity is living with a host family. Within one week I grew very comfortable with my host family just by conversing with them in my somewhat broken Spanish and diving right into the experience of full immersion."

  • Jeff Robinson Exchange in Sydney, Australia

    "I am a first generation African American college student that has lived in a single parent household my entire life. The best advice I would give any individual coming from any one of those backgrounds is to fully embrace themselves in the experience and try not to focus on things you cannot control or things going on back home."

  • Danielle Stein on Maryland-in-Barcelona

    "I would tell anyone, regardless of your identity, that studying abroad is one of the most special opportunities you should have. Never let your identity deter you from going to another country because there is always a place for you where you want to go."

  • Lauren Roche on BMGT Exchange in Spain

    "Everyone's study abroad experience is different, even if you go to the same location, so don't worry about what others are doing. Just enjoy your unique abroad experience and do what makes you happy."

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University News

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