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Maryland Global News

  • Kaya Benitez on Maryland-in-Barcelona and UMD-Winter: Cuba (SPAN/LASC)

    "As a black and Puerto Rican woman, I know that it can be discouraging to think about traveling to areas where you don't anticipate seeing people who look like you. Although I was the only black girl in my program in Barcelona and that intimidated me at first, I was able to meet great people and find comfort in my surroundings."

  • Harriet Dadzie's exchange at Vienna University of Business & Economics

    "Being abroad in Vienna taught me not to be afraid of figuring out things by myself. If I get lost or can't find what I'm looking for, I change and create an even better adventure."

  • Alina Saif's semester with Maryland-in-Copenhagen

    "The hesitations of going abroad as minority group members due to safety, cultural reservations, or lack of seeing potential growth is common. However, I MUST urge you to do it!"

  • Madeline Case's semester on Destination Rome

    "Be respectful of the culture, yet also very cautious and responsible. It’s easy to get caught up in all the fun, but remember why you went there and the image you’re representing."

  • Nadia Malik on U​MD-Summer: Bolivia (EPIB/MIEH)

    "We experienced living in a village (San Jose de Uchupiamonas), which was the most heartwarming experience of the trip. The locals made us feel very welcomed and reminded us that we could call this place our home. I feel that we have left this trip with new mentors that we can call family."

  • Toluwanimi (Tolu) Obalade on UMD-Summer: Nicaragua

    "To adjust to the challenge I just embraced Nicaraguan culture while making a conscious effort to not compare it to American culture."

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