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Terps Abroad Roundup: ARHU Terps

The world is your classroom when it comes to studying abroad as an ARHU student.

Check out what our ARHU Terps, past and present, have to say about their experiences abroad!

1. N’Deye Diop, Korea ‘23

“Being far from home underscored the world's vastness while highlighting our shared humanity. I believe that providing students with more opportunities to travel and study abroad is essential for fostering cultural competence and expanding their social circles.”

N'Deye Diop poses in front of a mural in Korea.


2. Eleanor Kaminski, France ‘24

“Studying abroad in Nice had a profound impact on my future career interests and reinforced my love for traveling and meeting people from different parts of the world.”

Eleanor Kaminski poses on a balcony in Nice.


3. Nile Fossett, Morocco ‘18 

“Not knowing the language actually makes you want to immerse yourself more in the culture, and you'll realize that despite the difference in language, you can meet amazing people anywhere.”

Nile Fossett poses in Morocco.


4. Michael Hildreth, Spain ‘19 

“Within one night I had met two people who immediately accepted me and talked to me out of nowhere, told me about their lives and welcomed me like a friend they had known for years.”

Michael Hildreth poses on a balcony in Spain.


5. Alexys Lopez, Italy ‘23

“I think it's really easy to get into your head about how people perceive you, but those fears disappear so quickly. It's easy to adopt the nuances of a new culture, and even easier to be okay with standing out sometimes. Not thinking so much about myself allowed me to fully immerse myself in an unfamiliar country.”

Alexys Lopez poses in front of a statue in Italy.


Are you a student interested in studying abroad? Make an appointment with an advisor today and explore your options

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