Take on Grand Challenges
Graduate with the knowledge, skills, and experiences to address global injustice.
Collaborate with peers in Egypt to advance global food safety
This Global Classrooms course is offered by the University of Maryland and Cairo University in Cairo, Egypt, using One Health principles ensuring food safety and security through a global lens.
One Health: Food Safety and Security
Where it is: virtual, on-campus
Who it’s for: undergraduate and graduate students.
Study sustainability and solutions to global climate change in Iceland
Travel to Iceland over spring break to explore the land of ice and fire. The course explores the generation, use and impacts of both geothermal energy and hydroelectric power to prepare students with the inspiration, skills and confidence to combat climate change.
Where it is: abroad, Iceland
Who it’s for: undergraduate students
Service learning opportunities around campus
Grow as an empowered citizen with Alternative Breaks
Focus on social justice issues that impact local, national, and international communities. From environmental conservation to public health, Alternative Breaks offer several opportunities throughout the year to work with fellow Terps.
Where it is: off-campus, in the U.S.
Who it’s for: undergraduate and graduate students
Prepare for international service in the Peace Corps
A partnership between the Peace Corps, School of Public Health’s Global Health Initiative, and the Department of Behavioral and Community Health, this undergraduate certificate program will prepare you to be a competitive applicant to the Peace Corps. Take the first step towards serving the world today.
Where it is: on-campus
Who it’s for: undergraduate students
Help disadvantaged communities with Engineers Without Borders
Join this Maryland student group to serve communities around the world through implementation of environmentally and economically sustainable engineering projects, while developing internationally responsible engineering students.
Where it is: on-campus and abroad
Who it’s for: undergraduate and graduate students. You do not need to be an engineering major.
Find fellowship and award opportunities for your research and projects
International Graduate Research Fellowships
Supports Maryland students who are interested in conducting collaborative research abroad with international colleagues.
Funding for student-led projects in sustainability and social innovation
Each spring, Universitas21 (U21) hosts the RISE (Real Impact on Society and Environment) showcase to accelerate student-led projects by connecting them with a network of experts in academia and industry.