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New Cross-Disciplinary Study Abroad Program Confronts Racism’s Impact on Health

The C.D. Mote, Jr. Incentive Awards Program (IAP) and the School of Public Health (SPH) teamed up to create a new UMD-Winter program in Brazil, addressing the enduring injustice of racism as a public health crisis.

Maryland’s ATLAS Kicks Off New Africa-Focused Conference

On February 27, the new Maryland initiative, ATLAS (Africa Through Language and Area Studies) sponsored its first annual conference, with a series of panel presentations and discussions highlighting University of Maryland faculty-led research related to Africa, the African diaspora, and African American studies.

Jack Burke on UMD-Winter: Japan and South Korea

"Studying abroad really came to bring me a new sense of how my skills could be used internationally rather than domestically, and really pushed me to consider a more global view of business."

Elana Naide's semester in South Africa with CIEE

"Throughout my semester, I built a support system for myself, with space to talk about experiences and to ask questions. I also watched and became a part of communities, and eventually the 8000 miles between me and my home felt like zero because my community in Cape Town felt just like one."

Sophia Wooden on Maryland-in-Barcelona

"I grew a lot in my cross cultural business skills and in my Spanish speaking skills while abroad. My network expanded when I embraced the community around me."

Jordan Bellamy's exchange with Amsterdam University College

"I am one of those people who never thought they'd study abroad. I'm here to tell you that it is not only possible, but it is the most enriching experience that I have ever had in my life."

Alexys Lopez on UMD-Winter: Italy (CLAS/ARTH)

"I had a level of independence that allowed me to explore Italy at my own pace, but still, a community of my peers to socialize with. The perfect mix of support and freedom helped me get the most immersive experience while learning new course material."

Franz N. Stuppard on UMD-Winter: Nicaragua

"I was fortunate to serve in the military and be stationed overseas, particularly in Europe. Going to Nicaragua did not provide any unusual challenge; however, I was able to guide the new students with some cultural adjustments."

ISSS Launches International Student Relief Fund

International Student & Scholar Services (ISSS) has begun fundraising efforts for a new International Student Support Fund, which will go towards supporting UMD international students experiencing a crisis in their home country, providing cost assistance for basic necessities or educational expenses. 

UMD Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering Logo
March 6, 2024

The Civil Empowerment Seminar Series: Torben Orla Nielsen

The Civil & Environmental Engineering DEI Committee Presents Torben Orla Nielsen, Science Attaché at the Innovation Centre Denmark (ICDK) and Consulate of Denmark in Boston.  

View Event Details for The Civil Empowerment Seminar Series: Torben Orla Nielsen
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