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Liam Mercer's term at Manchester Business School

Program: BMGT Exchange: Manchester Business School (United Kingdom)​
Term: Spring 2018
Major: Operations Mgmt and Business Analytics & Finance

I think traveling can provide you with new perspectives, but studying and living abroad adds context. 

I think I have been able to develop more of an understand of British Culture, rather than just knowledge of its existence. I've learned a lot of new things, but one skill I have not quite picked up is a perfect Mancunian Accent.

Advice for future #TerpsAbroad: 

As a business student, plan early and often. There are lots of options, and we have a reasonable amount of flexibility. You will need to decide what are your priorities when you are abroad. Whether you want a certain location, to be with friends, or a certain length of stay, it’s always easier if you have established those requirements early on. ​

When you arrive, put yourself in situations where it will be easy to meet people. I was lucky to end up living in a hall that has specific meal times, so I was able to meet people there. If you live in a flat or apartment, go to club meetings or events with other exchange students. Sometimes it’s tough to put yourself out there, but students from your host school will be excited to meet someone from another country. ​

A friend of mine had a couple extra tickets to a Manchester City game, and invited me. 

It was the first game after City clinched the Premier League Title, and the game was full of goals, a 5-0 win. But the excitement continued after the game when fans stormed the pitch. It was incredible to be part of that moment of pure joy for the city of Manchester.

It was often sad to see snapchats and news from Maryland, because it reminds you of all the traditions that you are missing. 

[For example], missing watching the Terps play at Xfinity center was difficult. A little money spent on B1G Ten international and a few late night staying up to watch games solved the challenge. We only get a finite time in College Park, and when you love Maryland, it's difficult to leave it behind for an entire semester. There is not really a great remedy because every person that studied abroad would probably do it again if they got to go back in time and do college again, so I think it helps to just try to stay in the moment and and make as many memories as you can. 

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