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U21 Health Research Exchange (HREx)

Universitas 21 Health Research Exchange (U21HREx) is a virtual international knowledge translation and exchange network and Community of Practice for students and early career researchers (ECRs) in Health and Social Care.

U21 Health Research Exchange Logo

Program Details

Universitas 21 Health Research Exchange (U21HREx) is a virtual international knowledge translation and exchange network and community of practice for students and early career researchers (ECRs) in Health and Social Care. Consisting of the University of Maryland (lead institution), University of Birmingham (United Kingdom), and University College Dublin (Ireland), U21HREx emphasizes diversity, inclusivity, and culturally sensitive evidence‐based research mentorship and professional development. This network provides the opportunity to expand on local and international research, practice, and joint academic initiatives to strengthen U21 member institution connections and train the next generation of researchers to be healthcare leaders. U21HREx has been highlighted in the U21 impact reports of 2021 and 2023, nominated for a U21 Team Award in 2024, and recognized by U21 Provost Jenny Dixon for collective impact and furthering the U21 network’s principles of internationalization.

U21HREx upcoming events and activities

Timeline with list of previous events and activities


Since 2022, U21HREx has held virtual activities and in-person symposiums increasing academic and research collaboration, mentorship, and career development opportunities, particularly for underrepresented students, ECRs, faculty, and staff across institutions. Upcoming 2024 virtual events will include:

  • May 14, 2024 at 9 a.m. EDT/2 p.m. IST (GMT+1) - Special Topic: Technology Innovations in Public Health; Visit the recording of the session or the event page to learn more about this session.
  • Date TBD - Professional Development: 'Research Speed-Dating'
  • Date TBD - Professional Development: Writing Grant and Fellowship Applications
  • Date TBD - Systematic Reviews Workshop 
  • Date TBD - Professional Development: What is the Process of Scholarly Peer Reviews?

To view past and current events, click here.

Questions & Contact Information

For more information contact U21HREx Chair, Dr. Negin Fouladi at

Learn more

To learn more about U21HREx visit the Universitas21, 2023 Impact report.

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