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Maryland Global News

  • John Meyers on UMD-Summer: Czech Republic​ (ENCE)

    "During this process, I learned that I could not simply apply the thought process about how to solve public problems with my American perspective. I needed to learn the needs and wants of Czech citizens, and how they would approach a similar problem."

  • Jessica De Mouy on TEAN: Thailand and Cambodia

    "My teachers treated me like old friends, my host family treated me like family, and I made friends that I still connect with and would love to see in the future."

  • Jack Hamrock on Clark-in-Madrid

    "It was my first time abroad. I was able to go abroad because the program fit my studies, did not delay graduation, and was cheaper than U.S. tuition."

  • Chelsea Dinneny Studied Sustainability in New Zealand

    "In order to understand different cultures, we can't just look at them in textbooks, going out and speaking to others, listening, and understanding is more valuable than any reading you could do on another culture."

  • Jeff Robinson Exchange in Sydney, Australia

    "I am a first generation African American college student that has lived in a single parent household my entire life. The best advice I would give any individual coming from any one of those backgrounds is to fully embrace themselves in the experience and try not to focus on things you cannot control or things going on back home."

  • Joshua Land's engineering exchange at Universidad Politecnica Valencia

    "Personally, this experience was eye opening; I realized just how similar people are on the individual level, yet how different they are on a cultural level."

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University News

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USDA Grant Funds Investigation of Managing Land to Support Food Security

UMD Researcher, Colleagues to Study Tradeoffs of Preserving Wild Pollinator Habitat
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Wild Cards

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